Dipped || Founder // Catering B2B/B2C Lead // Social Media & Marketing
Cheesecakes, Truffles, Berries, and Business
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Opened 3 weeks after I graduated from Florida State, Dipped was built and maintained solely on the $3,000 in savings I put into the business. Open 7 days a week from 5pm - 3am, I had no employees but myself for the first year+ in business. This lack of overhead allowed me to save enough money to expand into a storefront, open a catering branch of the business and start delivering chocolate boxes all around Tallahassee to college kids in need.
Chocolate is a truly visual medium, and with no money laying around for an advertising budget, I had to get creative. Using social media as a conduit, I hired two good friends to photograph our products whenever they could to generate buzz online. The payment method? Chocolate for their girlfriends, of course! With drool-worthy photos and the deployment of some off-the-wall marketing tactics, Dipped used social media as the backbone of our advertising strategies.
Our Valentines bundle included 6 vibrantly drizzled strawberries and a dozen red roses. We sold hundreds of pre-orders in the month leading up to the big day!
Holiday Cheer!
Dipped was not in the chocolate business. We were in the gift/event business and because of this distinction in strategy we went all in for Holidays. Special bundles released exclusively for Valentines, Halloween, Christmas, Mother’s Day and beyond. A big portion of what we tried to accomplish was creating memories. From shipping a box of strawberries to California (we had no idea how hard shipping berries would be) for a soldier coming home to surprise his wife to being the lead sponsor for FSU’s fundraising events Relay for Life and Dance Marathon, Dipped gave me a platform to give back.
Go Big or Go Home!
Once Dipped reached a point where I’d hired the world’s greatest employees (one of them even tattooed our logo on his foot) we had the opportunity to really expand our bulk order capacity. Attending local wedding service showcases brought eyes to our company outside of the college students we’d targeted up to that point. This brought us opportunities to build relationships with local real estate agencies, doctors, dentists, medical supplies companies and many more…